Sunday, August 19, 2007


I thought it was just a txt...I complained that I got it at was before an attempt...I should have txt back...I should have said thank you...I should have told her I loved and needed her soooo much...I shouldn't have been an emotional I hurt even more than I did before...

-Hey beautiful daughter i love you and im proud of you.I hope all your dreams come true xoxoxox-

Monday, June 4, 2007


The beast wants
to talk to her
Two weeks
of pent up
waiting to
I hear it
in her voice
not talk
rant vent yell
venomous words
wait to be
She instills

Baby can't stop
I fear for her
I shake too
What will happen?
Physical or
Mental pain
this time?
or both
Baby's sick
her cough is loud
her stomachs
playing up again
she can't take the

Like in the
she preys on the
when Baby's
the beast
Her claws were
drawn before they met
this will be
to dodge
Provoking anxiety
how little she

I pray
my love is
that I can
keep her
I'm searching
for a way out
Can we do it
I want her to
carry on
not change
her ways
destroy her
because of
the beast
We have to
break free
of all this

Saturday, May 12, 2007

a little ranting

This isn't a new revilation but...I HATE MOVING!

I'm fine with change, I'm fine with relocating, I HATE PACKING.

I'm in the middle of moving right now. As in the truck is outside and all my things should be packed. At about 12 last night we ran out of boxes and tape. I had already run out of steam at about 2pm yesterday though after packing my height (5'9) in boxes. My girlfriend and I have now made a big pile of stuff we'll come back for because we can't get through the rest without tears! Luckily I have a van, so we can fit alot in there, and in a couple of trips we can probally move the rest.

We're suppose to be going to a 21st tonight, but I'm starting to dread it. I'm too tired and just want to settle in and rest tonight! But, you only turn 21 once and I did say I'd go...I guess I'll nap at the first chance I get, then load up on painkillers and hope my headach stays away and my eyes stay open long enough to make and appearance.

I feel so whiney, I am whiney right now though!

Mother's day is tomorrow. I'm sick of seeing adds for it. I wish I could give my mum a wonderful day but she's not here. That isn't helping my mood either. It's been nearly a year and people seem to think I should be way more over it than I am. Although, my therapist says under the cercumstances it will probally take 2 years or more to even start to heal. I feel so guilty at the moment, I do blame myself and I can't shake that belief when it's so clear.

I'm sick of Girlfriend feeling bad. She thinks she's ugly and it makes her cry at times. She's really not though. She's georgeous. I wish she could see that. Even overlooking the inner beauty thing...she IS beautiful. How can I make her see that?

I best go do moving things...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Poem from the past


My eyes sting
My energy has dropped
It has been so long
Since my mind stopped
My sleeping hours are full
Of everything that scares me
My heart is always racing
And my eyes always see
My days are blanking out
Each seems pretty grim
I’m staring at the walls
As my soul begins to dim

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

more disease, more pain

Without reason
Without thought
No prejudice
No favouritism
Just disease
And death


Does it come to us all? Do those without it simply die before it develops? Is it the price we pay for living longer and Longer?

I found out on Monday that my Nanna has cancer. It's in the same place as my Dad's was, but she's too weak to fight it. It'll grow and grow until it kills her. The doctors give her 5-7 months, she says she'll be going for longer.

Dad's still not 100% into the clear and now this? Sometimes I feel like I am the cancer. Like I infect people with disease and pain.

Sometimes life seems like a cruel joke and I don't want to go on.

People keep saying to me "at least she's old," "at least she's had a long life," but that doesn't make any difference. It doesn't change the fact she's lying in a bed knowing she only has months to die. It doesn't change the fact her husband, who she's been with for over 60 years, must be scared as hell. It doesn't change the fact her children have to watch her slowly die. It doesn't change that my cousin in England feels guilty for not being closer. And it doesn't change the pain.

Does no one understand it's harder for me because I just lost my Mum and my Dad is sick. Maybe if I had less empathy I wouldn't feel every ones pain on top of my own and it would be easier to deal with.

I need someone to understand how bad this news has affected me and how afraid I am of how I will be once she has died. I don't have the words or the strength to explain what I'm feeling deep down. I don't want this to be just another thing I push to the back of my mind. The back is getting full.

Monday, April 30, 2007

a house but not a home

ARgh! I hate moving and I'm going to have to do it soon! Not once but twice in the next few months! I can't afford the boxes for the move so I'm hoping I can get them free from the supermarket. My girls mum can't afford to pay for this rental and to get the house her and her ex are going to sell so we have to move in there while it's getting fixed, then move again once it sells.

I have no issues with not having luxuries and living out of boxes but it appears only me and my girlfriend seem to have to compremise. First it was you'll have to go into your old room (a tiny single room). I was ok with that, even though it means sharing a single bed, only having one desk and not having any of our stuff unpacked. Now, we've been told that because my girlfriends brother punched holes in his bedroom walls his room needs fixing too, so his mum told hime to move into my girlfriends room. Thats okay...doesn't matter which room we get, right? There aren't any other rooms then! My girlfriends mum will be in the large room downstairs that we were originally going to have because the master room needs fixing up and the boys will be in the other rooms. Way to make us feel welcome. I hate how unwanted my girlfriends mum makes us feel all the time. This is only a minor thing among all the other things she does. It's bad enough for me, being treated like this but the selfish, childist woman is making her own daughter feel, unwanted, worseless and unloved.

She brough her into the world so it is up to her to make sure my girlfriend feels okay. But instead she has screwed with her head so much my girlfriend is perminently feeling crap. Any mother that uncaring deserves the same punishment as a child abuser. She is just as bad. Infact being treated like this hurts my girlfriend more than if she was just hit. I can't wait until we can afford to get away. I can't breathe here.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Re: Tammy, midwestern girl

"* dangerous me*
i read somewhere that albert einstein once said "if the bee population were to die out, humans would have four years left to live". or something like that. and even if that's an exaggeration, well, ten years still isn't enough warning for the end of the world as we know it.

so then i came across


and i got a little worried. cuz, you know, there's not enough to worry about already. basically- the article says the bees are dying- disappearing, poof- bees gone all over. "missing" as one article said. (missing? like, on-a-milk-carton-missing? or missing, like, "i can't find my keys" missing?)

and i see that some grown child who wasn't loved well enough shot some students at a college, press kit included... but i also see that thousands of people are dying already, everyday. VT happens everyday, just not at VT. someone walks across some ground, to point a gun directly at another. BLAM. dead. already happens. why are we so surprised when it happens in front of us? others live VT every day. i probably sound like i don't have much compassion for these people at VT... not true, i do indeed have immeasureable sympathy for these people.... i also have empathy for non-americans.

i would like to think that GOD (whomever, wherever, whatever) doesn't have Heaven divided up into nationalities. (chinese on one side, english over there, saudi's next to the salad bar...) i'm hoping GOD loves us all, each of us, because that theory increases my odds of being loved by GOD myself, flaws and all. so as blood spills from continent to continent, i'm feeling pretty bad for everyone out there. my side, their side, our side, your side, upside down cake.


each day that a crisis arises with our shitty government, i look deeper into the newspaper- somewhere on the back pages there has to be news that isn't self-serving, news that isn't one man's version of the game "Telephone": where it doesn't matter what was really said first- it only matters what the last person "repeats"-- and all too often the info is never relayed accurately. and people are calling that journalism.

on the red carpet the other night, we were asked about the Recent Hot Thing from american idol. when we were stumped for an opinion (we don't watch the show), Reporter Twig had a look of horror, like i'd just peed on her pumps. so i brought up halliburton moving to dubai: "that's more along the lines of what we're interested in" i said into her empty eyes. she replied, "yeah, we don't really cover that".


where is everyone? tell me what to do? i can't get to dc to march, and i can't really leave my family for too long- but as a woman, as a mother, as a wife, as an American, there has to be SOMETHING i can do. ecology, war, terrorists (and the ones abroad, too)... i feel mute as everyone screams
"freedom of speech!!!!"

help. lead this lady to a somewhere, people, lead us all. somebody has to take charge, organize something. right? somebody tell us what to do, where to mail the postcard, who to call...

i wish gloria steinem had a daughter. (hell, i wish cheney's daughter was a real lesbian. but no-o-o-o-o-o... dick's daughter hides out in the white house wings like a light-skinned former slave in the days after the emancipation proclamation: "i loves dick! dick dick dick! go dick!" way to represent, mary.)


bees are disappearing, we are bombing country after country, but THEY'RE the terrorists?
i'm so confused.

well, at least i know one thing. if i were to be in a marriage that was recognized by the government, all hell would break loose. at least we're safe from that."

posted by Tammy, midwestern girl 22.4.07

I hear ya Tammy!
The bees are on their way out and so are we. If the lack of bees doesn't get rid of us in 4-10 years we'll probally kill ourselves off, or at least alot of us.

It is rediculous for people to support a movement to kill 100s, 1000s or more of other nations people then get shocked when it happens in their own back yard. If any child that has ever shot another human had never see the people incharge of their country ordering respected people to kill they would almost definantely not have chosen that path.

I come from a country where nuclea weapons are banned, few have guns or gun licenses, civil unions are allowed for gays and a woman is incharge. I'm so thankful for alot of these things, then I turn on the news to find Avril Lavigne stumbling over her words in the highlights! Along with a (kinda funny) slideshow of the various thing people have got in their eye lately (including a bar stole leg). Surely their are more importanat things in the world that could be taking up that space! It wasn't an entertainment show it was THE NEWS!

Whatever or whoever made us CAN'T love one nation more. We were all created the same internally and soulfully. No man is better than any other. yet some minds will never accept that.

I don't know who you write too or how you do it but I'm pretty sure you need alot of voices behind you! "freedom of speech" is given to everyone but then the people in power try damn hard to hide the instructions on how to use it.Short of getting yourself or someone with such clarity and knowledge into the whitehouse there may be nothing you can do.

Stop the bombing and start breading bees.

Why don't people fix themselves before they "fix" the rest of the world.

Stay safe from your government and you will come out on top!

Will I'm on the topic of Tammy, mindwestern girl, I tryed the whole pen under the but thing...unfortunitly my girlfriend looked up from her studies and saw...I don't think I'll ever live that one down...

I'll help you save the world! Just tell me what to do!